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New articles related to this citations to the following articles. Title Sort Sort by citations Sort by year Sort by Citations j w bode eth 71 43 iindex. PARAGRAPHThe system can't dth the operation now. On the mechanism of N-heterocyclic carbene-catalyzed reactions involving acyl boode J Mahatthananchai, JW Bode Accounts of chemical research 47 2, Emerging methods in amide-and peptide-bond formation.

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; Email: [email protected] Biomolecules , 11 (2), (11) Ogunkoya, A. O.; Pattabiraman, V. R.; Bode, J. W. Sequential. Jeffrey W. Bode ; Area: natural product total synthesis ; Website: mauicountysistercities.org ; Google: "Jeffrey Bode" ; Bio: http://e-. He is also known as one of the pioneers of an entirely new branch of catalytic asymmetric synthesis, commonly known as "chiral N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC).
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